Biftecks de boeuf grillés par ail (PanFried)

J'inclus cette recette pour la Saint-Valentin, en grande partie parce que chaque fois que je la mange, elle m'incite à penser à ma grand-mère.  Une des personnes les plus étroites à mon coeur.

« Avózinha font le coração de meu » :  grand-mère à mon coeur.

Vous pouvez obtenir la recette pour l'épice de bifteck de Montréal, ici.

(PanFried) Garlic Grilled Beef Steaks

From Chef Carla | Main Dishes | Canadian

Growing up in Montreal, this is how my grandmother used to make our steaks. Juicy and full of flavour.


2 servings


  • 2 sirloin steaks
  • 6 cloves garlic, minced
  • 3 tablespoons butter, room temperature
  • 6 tablespoons Montreal Steak Spice
  • 1 1/2 tablespoon Sea salt


  1. Mince garlic and mix with butter at room temperature.
  2. In a shallow plate, put the Montreal Steak Spice
  3. Dip the sides of the steak in the Spice and press to properly coat the sides with the peppers (spice) and give the steaks a spice crust.
  4. Spread garlic butter over both sides of the steak
  5. Let stand 20 mins.
  6. Heat skillet on high. Sear both sides of the steak 3 mins each side. The steak will be medium to medium-rare. Cook longer for better done.
  7. Sprinkle Sea Salt over cooked Steaks as soon as removed from skillet and still hot.


  • For Montreal Steak Spice recipe, check out the Substitutes page.



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